! WELOVE ♥ 6E(:
Friday, November 30, 2007
YAY! =)
OMG! My maple lvl 1oo le! haha! i sooo happy..must gratz me oh... Btw..how are u guys? good ma? must remember to take care of ur health oh..haha LAstly..REMEMBER TO GRATZ ME~! loves ~xin yin~
heyys all! (: b4 i say anything, the person below my post please kindly put down your name and the end. thank you!!! lols. today nice day again. sweet and pleasant day. miss my friends alot! especially my besties T.T. anw... tmr is ernest's swimming exam... lets wish him good luck & try hard! (: and and! later i got tuition again. last day! wooohoo! takecare&lovves! -annabelle
Bored BUt Happy
It is so boring staying at home how i wish can go to school and too bad cannot connact my friends accept yun jie and i am going to co -means chinese orchestra and is really fun there. we can hear alot of music its really cool! i love 5e and 6e next year!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
sadness is out!
November 29 2007, miss 5E.....wish sch reopen soon!!! almost cry when sch close........:( from mo li hua! HEY EVERYONE!!!!!! LISTEN UP!!!!!! MORE VOTES FOR THE SONG!!!!! S5---我不会唱歌--罗志祥 --小猪 --Mr Pig --小鬼Bestfrenz --My fan --SHOW --Bestfrenz of 小鬼 --王庭轩-- --E.R.N.S.T.-- --A--
Lalalala...at home darm boring lorhhs..nothing to do...last 2 weeks,i went to the Jurong Bird Park with my family... This sunday...i went to the Singapore Zoo..haha.. SO fun sia...lol...on tuesday..i went to the airport..Terminal 3...then go tampanis mall...sian la now..nothing to do... Regards &loves... *Xinyin*
Adding songs
HEYYS! i wanted to put songs for this blog. but mind if you make votes for me?:] S2: 我可以-蔡旻佑 S3: 不想长大-S.H.E S4: 中国话-S.H.E S5:我不会唱歌-罗志祥 or any songs that u recommend? tagg at the taggboard! :] ty for ur suggestion, b'cos every suggestion and tag is precious. :] and the changing of website have not ended yet! vote now if u haven't vote! no matter whether u are a part of 5E! V1: 6Erocktheworld V2: ilovesixe V3: theworldof6E lalalas. so bored. today is the last 2nd day of my course. then sat i have another one. HAIX........... then thursday another one. what is holiday for? i prefer schooldays. at least that voices of my friends and insults from them can make me feel happy/angry/sad. i always think of the enjoyament i have when i'm in school. being insulted, being mocked at, being bullied, spreading rumours about couples, being scolded and being embarrassed when teachers says our funny behaviour. thats life. being scolded isnt important- its the lesson that we are taught. lets learn more as we go! takecare&lovves! -annabelle
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
lols. i just visited my own blog. ytd i asked ernest to tag at my tagboard. and he tagged like... =X ![]() ![]() ![]() look how miserable it is. HAHA jk lars. hahhas i can tell he was really bored. anyway!!! its 3.33pm now! xD yyyeppp. anyways. to gabriel, i cant change the tagboard colour. dunno how to. just black and white okay? cooler. XD wonder how would pink and grey look like. -.- takecares&lovves! -annabelle
Jia you me =) lol
Yay! my maple lvl 99 le! must remember to jy me oh...1 more lvl to go..Btw..how was u guys? good? Regards : *Xin Yin*
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
BLOG..... BLOG..... BLOG..... NTH 2 BLOG --ERNEST--
F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r you never put my birthday...i very sad now...it is 10 june 1996, 3 days before my mei, charmayne...must remember to put okay?! anyway, i blog at night only...today blog 2 posts...bye bye now! Bye 5E, F'LoMp Levitat0r
just changed the blogskin. nice marh? thanks loads to that person who make this blogskin mann! (: hahaha thought of something when i say mann. =P okayys i'm not gonna say what it is. but anyway, thank you ernest and arin for your help. no need to quarrel with such ppl like him/her. i can ban this person anytime larhs. really very touched when all of you helped me. I smiled! THANK YOU! (: hmmms. do blog arhs 5E! (: LOVE 5E always! -annabelle
voting progress
Voting progress: V1: 1 vote- Arin V2: none yet. V3: 3 votes-Xinyin, Gabriel & Ernest THANKS FOR VOTING! vote only once. ty. (: -annabelle
Monday, November 26, 2007
F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r long time never blog already...i miss 5E...feel like crying...oh ya, speaking of Flomp, i level 80 already! must level 100 soon...don't know what to blog about, nothing special during the year end holidays...nobody online at msn...i feel so lonely...very sad... Bye 5E, F'LoMp Levitat0r EVERYBODY LISTEN UP D DEADLINE DATE 4 D VOTING NOW CHANGE TO 25.12.07........... SET....... NO CHANGING!!!......... --ERNest-- is pissed off n... pee off the same meaning???? n is ther anyting such as pae off??? i wondering... --ERNEST--
Sunday, November 25, 2007
changing of website
I will be changing the website for 5E's class blog. so i need your voting. which do u prefer? V1: 6Erocktheworld V2: ilovesixe V3: theworldof6E or any suggestions? suggest at the tagboard... deadline: 25 dec 2007 -annabelle
i'm pissed off.
Spread rumours out again, about anyone and me. and you will be banned. i mean it. you: someone who spammed yunjie's and the class blog tagboard. -annabelle
Saturday, November 24, 2007
actually......... i am now in mood 2 blog sth but....... after i saw the tagboard in Yun Jie blog....... i hav no mood 2 blog le........T.T if u two arin n annabelle wan piss me off then sae la...... i wun get angry de..... --E.R.N.E.S.T
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Arlow... Holiday so long de merhhs?! I mean..Holidays's gd...but I miss my classmate... LOL...if go school dunnid to study...tats GREAT! Take Care... Xinyin
Monday, November 19, 2007
T.T............ i wanna go back 2 sch........ mii holidae is so horrible....... no overseas trip....... cant play comp d whole dae.......max limit oni 3 tyms a week n oni for 2 hr cant chat with frenz 4 more than 10 mins....... cant go out with frenz....... cant call frenz 2 cum 2 mii hm....... haizzzz.........i miss all mii frenz tooooooo i wanna c them....... n the tym i can c them is when i look at the class photo...... T.T ........... --☆ E.R.N.E.S.T ☆
Arrrrr!!!!!!!!.......Why??! Why must ther be hmwork during d holiday...... i wanna 2 take a break........ anybody can ans mi d question?........ i will pay tat person....... no money....... LoLz ------☆ E.R.N.E.S.T ☆
hard to beleif it!
Why?! I can't belief it sia! Why holidays still got homework de?! *~ Xin Yin~*
Friday, November 16, 2007
i dunno what to put for the title. anyways. jingwen asked me to put music for the blog. but... if u are editing the blog and u keep viewing the blog.. isnt it irritating hearing the song again and again? so i hate it alot. but mian qiang i can add lor. i try to find time tmr or few days later. i'm off to do our class video. see yarh all! take care! -annabelle
Thursday, November 15, 2007
below my post is charmayne's post. thanks charmayne. :] in any case, today we were like... adding each other in conversations and talking to each other in MSN. then it was like, we shout here shout there in the computer lab. 'OI, stop spamming lar.' , 'oi why u go out of the conversation?', 'oi why u scold F word?' ,'why u say such things?' omg. then we were like damn high la. then mrs lee was like, hey 5e, off the computer. -.- then we were like, longer la longer lar. but it does not help in anything -.- :] love five E~ -annabelle
Hi 5E
hi everyone .. i m charmayne Teo ...... now i m in school blogging . . . . so boring annabelle ask me 2 i just donnon y the whole class r crazywith the computer . n now i got nothing 2 do . -charmayne
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hey DUDs,i was just wondering and pondering and every dering u can think off,will it be the same blog next year as we all have got our report books back and this blog will be called ilovesixe or smth right or still same blog.Hmmm suggest Annabelle cre8 a new blog for next year(so suck got 16/43 for class position).Hey Annabelle have u finish ur movie yet? -Pao Zi
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
boohoo. today our form teacher didn't come. the whole class was like, woohoo!~ like... lol. and our class didnt finish our last chap yet!!! hmmms tessellation or something HAHA. yepyep! in any case, 3 days left to our farewell day. T.T bbyes all... but i hope paozi will organise a farewell party. T.T well. see yarh. BBYES~~ -ANNABELLE
Monday, November 12, 2007
Hi to anyone!XD!i also chaged my blog to http://doyoueven-care.blogspot.com and i might chage it anytime too.This time my blog is so pretty because of Yun Jie and same i want to say thanks to her! Good Luck 5E! -Rachael
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Change of blog
Hey guys, yun jie here. I have changed my blog to http://my-lovefor-you.blogspot.com remember to check it out when you have time! By the way, Gabriel , am i your jie? XD -Yun jie
Saturday, November 10, 2007
F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r thanks for giving me encouragement too jie jie! you are indeed my good jie jie, the second best to me in class! i really cannot tolerate mrs seah...i tried tolerating with her but i can't help it... my temper always get control over me...maybe i am bad tempered...well, if i am bad tempered, i certainly agree with that because...i always get frustrated when my mother call me to off the computer like now...cannot talk already... Bye 5E, F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r today, i earn another 1 million mesos for Flomp, now got 11 millino mesos! yeah! i very happy...but my damasge very lousy even when i use cold beam...jun jie go add Flomp's str to 12 for no valid reason...i very angry with him...he say never mind...then, i went back to victoria island, take a taxi to kerning city, and fly to Singapore! but of course, before i went to kerning city...i went to henesys hunting ground 1 for some fun with a lot of maplers! i was on cloud nine when i am at henesys hunting ground 1! looking at other maplers faces, begging me to party them...hehe...they are utterly pathetic! when i am at Singapore, i died 3 times! ahhh! but it is okay...i had just level up! hehe...so no losses so far...i plan to buy a purple gaia cape which costs about a few 10 million mesos...so expensive, no mesos to buy...need to earn more...like what my brother said, qian bu shi wan neng, dan mei you qian, wan wan bu neng...i don't know what is the meaning...just anyhow type...hehe...at Singapore, my friend and i went to raid the whole map...so fun! looking at maplers begging us not to raid the map...we are very proffesionals...remember! always come to www.ilovefivee.blogspot.com for at least 5 day a week if not you are not a loyal student of 5E! Bye 5E, F'LoMp Levitat0r
Friday, November 9, 2007
it have been some time since i blogged... hi all! got miss me? lols. anyways... just read gabriel's posts... i know how u feel gabriel... its just that she cant tolerate you, being a P5, and dosent know how to spell fifty. dun worry... this is not humilating... this is just to teach u a lesson to not forget how to spell such words. CHILL! :] THANK YOU everyone for visiting our blog anyways. for this bear blogskin, really thank yunjie ehx. great job she had done. jiayou for next year PSLE, ALL P5s! (: loves! --tagg! -annabelle
F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r today, i very angry with mrs seah...she humilliated me because i forgotten how to spell fifty in my maths corrections...she made me run up and down just to ask any pupil form 3I...then i run back up and tell her that 3I not at class...she call me to go to another class and ask again...during that time, i was very angry, she always made someone do what the person does not want to do...then i told her that all the P3 are having assembly...she say stay back and ask P2..i was feeling humilliated...after her stupid, old and boring lessons, thorng walked up to me and called her a bitch, how dare she humilliate me...i was feeling much better that my best friend will stand up with me together! thanks thorng! thank you for giving me encouragement! and i hope your souls969 level 70 and do 3rd job advancement real soon! i can tell you where to train if you need help! thats all for today! hehe...i did 3 posts today ina row already! i very stupid... Bye 5E, F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r hello again! i very boring, don't know what to do...cannot play Flomp...this is my very first time blogging! so i very stupid...anyhow write new posts...hehe, i hope you all don't mind! Flomp got 10 million mesos already! yeah! i very happy! my skill, ice strike, very lousy...only can reach 1015 damage only...but what do you know? my ice strike level 4 only! need to reach level 90 real soon...but it will take months...on the other hand, i must earn lots and lots of mesos so that i can buy new equipments...when my ice strike level 30, i will show you the power of Flomp! then, you will know how powerful and proffesional jun jie and i are! hehe... Bye 5E, F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r
F'LoMp Levitat0r yeah! exam over! at last! but i have failed my maths and science...sad for me...before i can play computer, need to do my maths and science assesment...very boring...Flomp level 71 already...need to level Flomp to level 90 soon...got to go now... Bye 5E, F'LoMp Levitat0r
Thursday, November 8, 2007
erm...... talking bout camp ar.... actually the camp is quite fun la but if got 1 person from our class i our group...... it will be dame hell fun no matter boy or gal it will be alrite la... but i wish it is mostly be boy la any its already over le la no use toking bout it le la --ernest
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
today mrs seah gave me 2 marks for my science. 47... still fail larh. -.- hmmmms today damn happy. somehow yarh. although got scolded by teachers. just felt damn happy. :] kays! really nth to say lerhs. b'cos it was a long day today for me. swimming and school. go zzz later! :] `annabelle
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
good luck everyone
Oh Yes!!!!!!i pass all mii subject! chinese:125/200 higher chinese:63.5/100 english:125.5/200 math:78/100 science:51.5/100 yah!...i am so happy 4 mii marks but.......i also pity some of mii frenz who failed any of tis subject............T.T i wish them 2 get a better marks on PSLE and at least get all pass english.....of couse must pass tell u people mii aim my aim is 2 get at least 250/300 to get into my dream school cause they have got bowling which is mii best hobby! From, ☆ E.R.N.E.S.T ☆
our class is the best u can find all types of beautiful memories in the class from friend ship to relationships. thorng
obviously, i failed my science larh. just now did cry. but whats the use. i did really work hard. nothing comes out. i will nv say i give up. BUT i'm plainly too tired. what am i going to do? and basically i worked so much for this subject. i spent my time revising this more than the other subjects. i really dun wanna say anything much. lets say something happier. ---------------------------------------------------------------- yep. today was a nice day. i go to school myself b'cos i wake up late like ytd. but i still manage to go school myself. and... yep. i got 53 for my maths. :] yep i did pass. thank god. dun think i have much to say. loves! -annabelle-
So Funny 1 This Thing!!!!! maurice
Sunday, November 4, 2007
always need to think about the title. but i dun seem to think of something better than to say like, 'hi, heyya, i'm back' sorts words. anyway.... just blog because didnt blog today. IN MY class blog i mean. -.- now only mi and yunjie seem to care about the class blog. yep. suddenly thought of exams. alright. those who are STILL having their exams, good luck all! (: i'm supporting you. exams are very fast derh. a blink of an eye. Enjoy after exams!!! (: annabelle` feel free to visit my blog at: http://uhurtmelikethat.blogspot.com
I did somehting to this pictures xD
Miiee And Annabelle: http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/9357/14021190jx0.gif Annabelle with my cap! http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/17/53590862cq2.gif Miie with my cap: http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/9634/38201308xo0.gif By Yun Jie
Saturday, November 3, 2007
yay everyone. i'm back. I dun see anyone blog. i think all sleep like pigs like tht today.-.- yarhh wadever. anyway tough day ytd. very. (: yep. i wake up today after camp and ernest is still asleep lor. -.- haix. all sleep sleep... ytd play from morning to night. somemore shout untill my friend start feeling the pain in her throat. then my friends even sleep also need to breathe damn loud. woke up and found ernest's inflatable pillow is not with air, flat. -.- is my head really heavy? yep. anyway... show you a pic i like so much. ![]() yarh. ashley took this photo for me. WITH A GUY's stomach who i hate. HE cant stop saying ehem ehem. -.- ANYWAY. love camp!!! I WANT MORE.... (: ANNABELLE
Thursday, November 1, 2007
P5 cAmP!!!
Yo everyone!Peanut here...l0l...We going to camp tomorow!!!I am excited about it!!!''the flying fox'' cool man!but i have a phobia of height but i want to try!And it is 3 days and 2 nights!!!But actually is 2 days 1 night because the 1st day is 8pm go shcool and then sleep...But the worst is to wear uniform and sleep!!!not joking and zhang lao shi our chinese teacher is leading us all the way and going too!!! Best wishes, Peanut (Sheena)
heyya all! I'M back! hmmms. 5 hours ++ left towards 8pm to camp~ WEEEHUUUUUUU. kayyy. anyway.... i prepared my things lerhh. how about some other ppl? remember to tag hors. :] hmmmmms. hope everything will be fine today(: my sis was like,"annabelle i go out awhile by 8 must wait for me i fetch you." although my mum told her to fetch me la. but she like so dun bear me to leave hahaa. (: jie loves lots!! hmmmms always so touched when my friends or relatives care about me. i would stay really happy tht day. unless someone who i love hurts me. lol. see yar all. LOVES 5E! (: ANNAbwell :) ---tagggggg. |