! WELOVE ♥ 6E(:
Saturday, December 29, 2007
HELLO!!! weeeehoooooooxzx. 4 more days to school re-open :D 10 more days to my birthday :D anyway. 6E's blog is getting rusty.. rusty... rusty.. -.- and its worse nxt year.. everybody will be concentrating on their PSLE & ignore this 6E's blog.. no wayy manxz.. few weeks ago ernest told me he will blog here but NONE of his posts were his.. blog larh. :D okkayy . bbyes! takecare&lovves! -annabelle
Friday, December 28, 2007
School going to reopen on 2nd January 2008 if I'm not wrong. Hope all of you will study hard and get good results for PSLE. Wish you guys a happy new year! Signing out, Yun Jie
Sunday, December 23, 2007
christmas is coming:D
hellos all:D christmas is coming, & really wish all of you a pleasant & nice CHRISTMAS. adjusted the size for abit. too big very ugly. hahas. share with all of you me & my cute samantha. ![]() she's damn cute right? hahahs. anyways. school re-opening in 9 days already. && we will be going up ^ to Primary 6! lets get high & prepare for PSLE. know what ashely told me whats PSLE? Primary Sixes Leaving Examinations urm, quite right. yeps. really good luck to all of you. study hard. strike hard. go! takecare&lovves. -annabelle
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I changed my blogskin, hope you all will like it! And my new blog address is http://kawaiimee.blogspot.com From, Yun Jie
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
hi everyone:D this annabelle, again. hmmms 6E... pls blog... i'm always tagging & blogging. tag & blog okays. :D takecare&lovves! -annabelle
Saturday, December 15, 2007
My vote is the third one. (: takecare&lovves! -annabelle
Friday, December 14, 2007
5E'07 class video(:
I don't feel like doing workbank and the actual number for it is 40 words. Tesallation is Activity 8.2 -8.3 the shapes all must cut out 20 pieces and tesallate and paste it on a piece of full scape paper. 1 shape for 1 side means 1 full scape paper have 2 sides, 1 side for 1 shape. From, Yun jie 13/12/07 WHich blogskin should i choose ? Help me please! 1.http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=147482&action=Preview 2.http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=142629&action=Preview 3.http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=63621&action=Preview 4.http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=75575&action=Preview 5.http://blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=43815&action=Preview Remember you can only vote 1! Please do not vote at the tagboard, vote at the blog(means u blog to vote) Your friend Yun Jie LOL. these blogs are from yunjie. she blogged at the wrong blog-.- so i transfered here(: anyway thanks for telling me about the homework(: -.- lalalas. here's the class video! yups. the video took SO LONG to upload. -.-
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
please blog.-.-
heyys all(: i hope everyone can like blog or something? its not really nice to leave it blank... because next yr will be the last yr that u all are blogging. then it would be left for memories. or maybe if ur want can come again and blog. but i still hope you all can start blogging!(: yarh.. like yunjie, ernest, sheena, xin yin... arin... rachael... please...T.T i'm always sad when there are no posts. ty all(: && anyway! class dun forget about our homework! 1. journal (4) 2. workbank (20 words? not sure. please tag to tell me the actual number.) 3. book read form 4. tensallation assignment by mrs seah. anyone can tag at the tagboard to tell me what should i do about it? -.- i dunno what to do... nv pay attention... T.T thank you (: takecare&lovves! -annabelle
Saturday, December 8, 2007
haixxx......the holidae so siao lor..... T.T -ERNEST--
Thursday, December 6, 2007
new blogskin+website
heyyys. found this ytd at 12 midnight. -.- hope your like it (: takecare&lovves! -annabelle
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
heyy all(: i've cancelled off all the votes FOR SONGS. please stop voting. (: if i still see no voting of websites, the website for 5E will be transferred to http://theworldof6E.blogspot.com tomorrow. (: takecare&lovves! -annabelle
Wow Ernest... Gratz for passing ur swimming exams! Hmm...U guys got play maplestory? Now i lvl 101 le wo..haha! Gratz myself ^3^ ~xinyin~
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
y these few daes nobody blog????/
Monday, December 3, 2007
Arrr.....OI.......y did u sae it out!!!!!! later ppl sae i hao lian ar!!!!!!! but i wun blame u de la....... cause nth 2 blame la...... --ernest--
Saturday, December 1, 2007
heyyy. just got the news from ernest that he passed his swimming exam. CONGRATS! hahahas. yyyepp. just went for my piano rehersal (: anyway. i think i can invite your to my coming concert if i could.. i will give you more details abit later. (: lalallas. ashely's birthday is coming arrhh. left 13 days. hmmms okay. lets wish her a nice and beau-ti-ful birthday! yeah... my birthday also coming. left 39 days! -.- okay lorhhh. i know still got very long lar... but wish mi happy birthday also(: HAHA! takecare&lovves! -annabelle |