! WELOVE ♥ 6E(:
Friday, February 29, 2008
shuai ge(prince gab) u very cute leh type until like tat annabelle u jealous isit i very shuai ok the war between... SHUAI GE and annabelle something like shuai ge is USA VS Malaysia i dunt want to insult my own country so i use malaysia i very childish rite but still very shuai hehe :) vote for me!!! shuai ge molihua online lor...sian
-Prince-Gab, shuai ge no.2, gab 10
Dear Class Bloggers, yea CA1 over liaos!!!!!!! ^^ can plae comp but i still so sian, got games dun feel lyk playin thn i got internet dunno go wat web... thn jie ( teddybellars ) call me go blog thn i now bloggin...dunno wat to type thn anyhow post entry la...so sian, i vry sian, dunno wat to do, i mus well go tiao lou zi sha thn can liaos lor...k la, lets talk bout 2dae in sch... 2dae, i go whack stupid ernest ( my baobao a.k.a my punching bag ) lols... i go tickle him at sumwhr near his banana n he say ni zou kai ni zou kai bu yao jiao wo baobao!!! i keep ticklin him until he knock the table... thn we vs headbutting contest...i win him cos i headbutt him n he say owww... thn i go bak to my seat, kendrik gimme 30cents call me go whack ernest again thn i chiong bak thr n whack him! so fun! ^^ we siao liaos! thn watever lame things blah blah blah bleah :X after sch lots of ppl go play colour catchin at my haus downstairs thn i saw jie n jie ( teddybellars n yun jie la ) thn got 1 siao man come n scold us, thn we walk away lyk bu shuang wan kill him...thn we go football court n plae football...so nice 2 plae sia!! ^^ thn jie n jie go home le, shi hao n i so dam worried we ran after them...we go 1 bus stop at full speed but they not thr so we go sch the bus stop thr thn we found them lors, we talk talk talk talk talk n talk, jie n jie confide into shi hao n i, thn jie give us eat mum mum ( yupi sweets, my favourite!!! ^^ ) n thn shi hao go bak, n got 232 come, i take bus wif jie n jie 2 centre n thn i sit 238 come back 2 sch, wah!!! journey so long seh! i dunno how to take bus so i scared scared at 1st la! thn got used to it n instead of sittin down, i stand up let n old lady sit lors...thn i go bak 2 sch take my bag n come home! so now i at home use comp la! haxhax! hope all class bloggers pass CA1 wif flyin colours lyk SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS, can fly derhs...so dats all bout it lors i tink la, if not correct dun scold me worhs :X LOL! gtg bb Reported by, -Prince-Gab, shuai ge no.2, gab 10 6E, Pei Chun Public School YOYOYO... LOL =.=lll mai lame..lol SO boring sia.. lol... me go play games..Byes~ W0shiiren..Nishiigui XY :)
woo hu exam over
first exam away of the year gone means 1 burden is gone from our shoulder thorng ![]() WOOT!!~ Freedom at last!~ LOL zzzz.. me so lame... LOL =.=lll (: Happy Birthday to Kyle :) Kyle's birthday in the leap year..4 yrs 1 time..haizz hehe...toking about birthday..my birthday coming in 10 days liao.. LOL so happy me today only got 周记 & science workbook for homework nia.. ~the rest do finish~ ): SAD :( ): My english MCQ tio 19/30 nia :( want to :'( Later i fail how? Remember to pray for me ah Haizz..me scared i fail all my subjects!! Aiyo.. touch wood touch wood.. cannot curse myself *!Woshiiren..Nishiigui XY!*
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Buhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Science Paper Tmrw Holy #@!%&*$#!@# LA!LA!LA!LA!LA!LA!LA!LA!LA!*bites your face*LA!LA!LA!LA!LA!LA!LA!LA! PaoZi OMG OMG OMG!! The maths exams Sucks sia me 4 questions dunno how do.. -17 marks liao :( Feel like :'( Hope will pass my exams.. Exams sucks... LOL Haizz... nth to say le.. except.. JyJy for ur Science exams Good Luck, Woshiiren...Nishiigui XY
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Relink me!!!
Hey hey!I tot i just type out a post..zzz Btw annabelle,can u link me at http://www.lov3style-mii.blogspot.com/ TQTQ And is it the english paper hard?!?!?!haiz...Btw good luck all! And lastly!MOLIHUA!!!''shuai ge'' u beta dun tell or else i kill u hors!!! Regards, PeanutSheen! [:
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wah..im so full after eating dinner.. ~LOLOLOLOL!!~ later me eat too muach become fat pig liao Me go eat ice cream liao Haha..jealous rite? :P i think i spamming blog nowadays...LOL But not anymore~ Woshiiren...Nishiigui.. Zzz mo li hua keep saying he so handsome.. LOLOLOLOLOL!! Shuai di, i think u can go and join The American's Next Top Model liao U sure win de :) dun worry Or go join superstar? they see u sooooo shuai sure vote for u de la..dun worry LOL Gd luck shuai ge on ur competitions.. Haha!! Woshiiren..Nishiigui haha i from just now talk to peanut(sheena) on msn i laugh until my tears roll out i dunno wats so funny but u can ownself imagine it tat she is talking and the voice she is using hahaha she 2 embarrased cause she type the wrong conversation then she said her secrect then she keep walau walau i laugh like shit she also say PE time want to join my group ( kahyeng , guo chuen , gao feng , sharmin , lingkai , charmayne)<~watever she say her group boys always bully the girls so bad... then i say i want to fang pi then she laugh now my chair very smelly i am sure u want to smell lol i "fa sian" that the softer u fang pi the smellier it is i noe that it is very gross so i stop here another thing is that my sch bus friend want to steal my food then i lick my food then he dare not to eat this is 1 of the tatic to make ur friend from stealing ur food =) anyway go look at the tag box i and her spam it pai seh arh! shuai ge ( mo li hua ) OMG!! i cant belief it sia... Why so not fair de?!! 2morro is CA1 le :( sad lo Haizzz.i wish i forever a baby..baby dunnid do work de juz slp and eat keke so hot sia... me sit 232 go home..then ran home to play com..HAHA!!~ my 听写 tio 98/100.. danm happy.. danm sad also..LOL Haizz.. nth to do.. Hope the exams not so diff..if not my head roll on the floor liao.. LOL..touch wood.. Good Luck for ya exams .. GoooooooD Luckkkkk to myself also LOL!!! Woshiirenn..Nishiigui (xinyin) xD
Sunday, February 24, 2008
lol sianxzzxxzxzxz CA1 reaching in 2 more days... i haven prepare for science my heart want to come out liao scared the exam damm diff then i failed LOL touch wood hope its not too diff add oil every1 i go revise le anyway good luck every1 gd luck to myself :) LOL shuai ge ( Maurice ) LOL
Saturday, February 23, 2008
wah!~ My house downstairs gt chingay leh xD SOOO Nice lor LOL!! i waited for 30mins for the chingay to appear =.=lll watse my PRECIOUS TIME SIA LOL!!! xD haiiiz ... so boring..lol.. *Woshiiren...Nishiigui* LOL annabelle and shuai ge ( mo li hua ) i'm wondering..why must shuai ge? cannot shuai di meh? O.o? me wan go catch the movie called '' Ah Long Pte Limited '' on my birthday Haha..who wanna go with me? my higher chinese score is 35 1/2 ...not 351/2 ahh..hehe Sian..me do my 周记 for 2hours!! my preciuos 2 hours fly away :( Woshiiren..Nishiigui heyy annabelle i hav read that book "the naughtiest girl in the school" seriously very interesting i even record it in the this year , 5 interesting storybook list yesterday... my lao pa bought cj7 VCD so nice la i want to watch again later the funniest part to me is... after the boss gave the hong bao to the boy 's father then when he go in to the lift then he tell the lady beside him "wo jing tian fa da le!" the lady beside him close the lift door and ignore him then the father giv the lady -.- this kind of face expression i laugh like siao haaha very funny sia! but after this the father died...very sad leh that part go buy the VCD or watch in the cinema! i will not tell u more go watch it urself that alien dog very cute just like me! no la...jkjk i not cute M*A*U*R*I*C*E
Friday, February 22, 2008
a few days since i blogged right here. GOT MISS ME MARHS? okay. nvm T.T haiyaya. today very sad. didnt bring key, then mummy ask me go library. i go library done my homework liao! =) and then .. 5plus i started to feel tired. so i slept in the LIBRARY at the table! slept for about 10 mintues suddenly feel the vibration. i thought my sis called my phone to give me key to go home. then i woke up immediately. guess what. OTHER PPL'S handphone's was ringing instead of mine. WAKE UP for nothing == then i started revising my work. HARDWORKING RIGHT? xD then... i went to bishan library to lend a book which i loved like HELL and looking for it at 7 plus.. and then go toa payoh again and take bus home. 8.55PM reach home. amazing == i finally got my book. EVERYONE GO READ the naughtiest girl in the school. got about 7 continuous books. i read .. about 3 liaoxzx. DAMN EXCITING. read arhs. =) LUVES LUVES. TEDDYBELLARS :D i wan jump down from 40 storey building!!! wanna commit suiside! My HCL exam mark gt 351/2 nia.. so LAN LOR!!! :( die liao la.. :'( feel like crying..but cant cry out SAD!! nxt week CA1..Hope i wun fail any subjects.. Go.Od Luck all, Woshiiren..Nishiigui ( XinYin)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
C.C. Prt 2
dun tok 2 me anymore, i hate all of u, gab
to ppl who plae C.C. i hate jon n shi hao! u ppl r indeed fckers! tis post is by, gab
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
~hello~ wa sian..nth do haha..ytd so nan de..gt 2 EASY homeworks..LOL.. =.=lll me gonna do my word bank liao..write until the 7th question..haha cya all~ xinyin
Monday, February 18, 2008
Ai Yo YO!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!sIANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! later still need go chinese orchestra !why must there be chinese orchestra three times a week ! And it is at night leh! MIND YOU!Charmayne not going i also dun want to go but mother dun let Ai YoYo By BOOBOOR
hi everbody
I am really sorry to make wang zi angry.and i am even more sorry to make the people at ernest's party cry. And i introduce my specially made nickname on web. By boobooR(rachael) so sian just finish tuition long time nvr so shuang b4 only 2 hm!! i go try the experiment mrs sew ask us to do i put salt inside and after sometime it really got much colder than before wa!that part i drank like so salty la should hav put the ice and salt in a basin then put the coke in it put the lime in the coke and u shake it all about LOL Maurice
Sunday, February 17, 2008
what happened?
heyy ppl.. what happened to ernest's party? why are all of you so unhappy? teddybella
Friday, February 15, 2008
HALLO:D HALLO:D HALLO:D HALLO:D HALLO:D hello!!!! LOL:D jiayou for next next week exams ppl :D addoil. ;D teddybella. ;;i'm sad today =( visit mii blog to find out more. :D
Thursday, February 14, 2008
ZzZzZzZz.. Today's higher chinese paper =.=lll abit easy abit difficuly -.- me so faz do finish liao..& the place i sit had a nice view lol.. the wind so relaxing lor >.< so sad my 听写 gt 94 marks :( i cant belief tat 10 ppl tio 100marks sia lol so pro xD ~xinyin~ yay! at last higher chinese exam is over my ting xie get 100 marks i so happy did the lucky colour help your in the exam HEHE but today homework a lot leh so sian lor i go do le bye! M a u r i c e
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Thanks Annabelle! Jiayou Too! Good Luck Every1 For The Higher Chinese Exam!! GOOD LUCK!!!! I Use Red Because It Is Lucky! He~He LOL Byes I Going For Tuition... Your Very Very Good Friend M A U R I C E * Muhahahahaha!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
LOL... higher chinese exam i still chionging maple..keke ok..me go do my tuition homework liao..cya all xinyin >< ZzZzZzZzZzZ z Z z Z z Z ... This Thursday got HCL examination! Please wish me good luck! XD Then some of u will be like -.-"... Please wish all of the pupils that we be taking the HCL exam good luck! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! ~~The Girl Who issh Floating~~ Cloud Sister (Yun Jie)
siann. now play computer shorter than 1 hour liaoxz. HIGHER CHINESE THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. STRESS~~~ can me die? =/ ahhh. stress stress. if i had knew it earlier i dun work so hard for hcl. == haha but i luv chinese so must jiayou on it. == jiayou maurice, and evryone having hcl. after psle.. evrything wil be over. want to add complaints to the complaints section? tag & tell me.... but if u tag tmr, i wun add it tmr. becuz i studying tmr... wun be using computer ya? teddybella. =D Wooooo! Higher-Chinese-Exam-Is-Reaching So As CA1 OMFG MAN! So Many Homework Lor So Sian LOL Forgot Wat I Wanted To Say I Didnt Find The Article Lor For SS Lor So Sian Lor LorLorLor And Mrs Reyes Talk The Oral , I Tell U Is Dam Funny La Ah Meng wear tuu the marker this morring LOL Something Like That... Maurice Very Girlrish Rite I Use Pink :] HAHAHA , Not Funny Anymore...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
lalala.. no title
lalala..~happy new year all~ i wonder 2morro i gt how many ang bao..keke bye bye xin yin
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
damn guilty.
wehx. u rmb about 5days ago we had tingxie? teacher asked us to keep tingxie list right. i thought i din took out my tingxie list, so i din bother to look around. when halfway i'm having tingxie, i saw under my table, a word, 心. i remembered. wangzi tested me tingxie... i forgot to put it away. although i knew how to write the word 心, but erm, still damn guilty... hmmm. ppl what do u think? do u think that i'm being not honest? =( i cannot get 100marks for my tingxie! =( teddybella, annabelle Mr Chin brain got problem only 4 periods also need to go to sch siao! waste of my time... maurice HAPPY NEW YEAR -_-lll
Monday, February 4, 2008
sian CA1 reaching le i havent prepare yet lol i am very happy these days for no reason :D maurice*mo li hua
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Wow the 103th blogged including this! I want to die already So many tuition :s I wish everyone A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Maurice :D LOL
gossip & photogallery section
i have just updated and added a gossip & photogallery section. (below the tagboard) If you have anything about our class to gossip, please inform me at the tagboard & i will add it. please, gossip means gossip, not other dirty & bad things. if any party is organised, pictures will be updated. TAKEGOODCARE. [annabelle, teddybella =p] |